Make a habit of it. Watch your success, not your misses.
Since Mon Jan 1 2024, achieved 296 days
Since Mon Jan 1 2024, achieved 396 days
Since Mon Jan 1 2024, achieved 30 days
Since Mon Jan 1 2024, achieved 39 days
Add the habits you want to track. Name your habit something inspiring: remember your goals. Each habit can have a frequency: do you want to do this every day, every week or every month? Every time you complete your habit, click Done, and see how well you're working towards your goals.
Add your first habit
Click Add Habit, and fill in the form. Click Save.
Sign-up for a free Pandita account
Choose โGet startedโ after saving to get a free account with Pandita, accept the terms, and continue. You'll need to use a Google account to create a Pandita account.
Complete your habit.
Practice your habit, click Done! and you're on your way.
There are lots of ways this app could be improved. If you want to give it a try, click the Pandita logo in the top-right to see the code, and start changing it! We'd love to see what you make of it. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Change the fonts, change the colours
This app is using Sarabun. Have a look at Google Fonts to find an alternative you like. There are five colours used for the levels. Everything is set as a string (inside " and ") at the top of the code. Try changing these values and see what works. Fonts are names, colours are hexadecimal codes (begin with #)
Change the levels, or the way a score is calculated
Your score for each habit is the simple percentage of completed days since the habit was started. This is calculated in the function 'score-for-streak`. Maybe there is a more sophisticated way to score? Do you want to weight more recent days more heavily? An easy way in would be to change the thresholds for each level. These are in 'color-for-streak'.
Show motivational messages
A simple message would be to calculate how many days until your habit moves up into the next level, and show that.
Add some history
Trends? How many times you've completed the habit in the last week? Perhaps a spark line? At the moment the app only stores the number of times you have completed the habit, not the date of each completion. It wouldn't be too hard to change, but will require digging deeper.
This app is written in the programming language designed for the web: Indu. You can do lots more with this language. Read the guide to learn more.