Alpha Author

An author since June, 2022

Hello, world!

Here's a simple little app to get you started. Take this and make it whatever you want.


A list of example Indu programs running on Pandita


The mythical Frasier choosing app

Let Me Build Your App

An app calling for product managers who want an idea validated.

City Story

A short story about your city

Demo Text Field

A demo of an editable text field that will move into the Pandita stdlib at some point.

Five Minutes to Feature Flags

A port of Pete Hodgson's introductory feature flag tutorial to Pandita.

Brooklyn 99

How easy is it to cut and paste?


Pick a random episode of your favourite chill-out show.

Training Cards

An app that creates and runs training exercises, include this in your own app to build your own exercise.

An Introduction to ISO27001

The Linked List

Get your own list of links, in just a couple of clicks

Mad Libs

Mad lib English learning

Habit Tracker

Track your habits. Free yourself from streaks